Social Media Marketing

Social Networking Management:

Increasingly, more people are getting addicted to online social networking to keep in touch with their clients and friends alike, to save time. Facebook, Twitter etc are one of the leading social networking sites with a strong member base from across the world. We will create a network of hundreds of people who would like to be updated about the services that your offer. Groups, Fan Pages and Regular Feed updates will be provided to all the members. Pics and Videos shall also be uploaded to achieve maximum mileage for your brand.


a) An urban way to reach out to customers.
b) Saves up on time and money, as the entire brand info is directly uploaded on the site. Images, Videos and Contact info. It is as effective as a website, but with high user traffic.
c) Reach out to the lengths and breadths of the country from one single point.

(BUDGET: Rs.on request  per year per social networking presence)

Changing face of PR from just a public relations to a strong communication platform which
will influence the Topline & Bottom line.

Motif PR, promises faster, more effective PR by driving online visibility of your press release to thousands of media web sites and blogs. But we as successful online public relations practitioners don’t just distribute press releases and wait for the phone to ring. We take the time up front to develop thoughtful communications strategies and tactics that make your messages stand out – and the rules we follow are “ Continuously evolving”.

To be sure, online public relations is fast becoming a cornerstone of strong PR strategy that includes an understanding of Search Engine Optimisation, social media, and communicating with bloggers.

Motif PR, offers practical solution and thought leadership to keep your and your organisation profile as the leaders in your field.

We belief in understanding the resulting metrics, and how engagement activities, such as social interactions,contribute ultimately to conversion. PR moves from the shift of Only Public Media Relations to contributors to the Turnover and profits of the organisation. On line PR lives for ever.

We prepare the role of content in the public relations and marketing strategies, and much of it is focused on the awareness-generating and attention-acquiring benefits. Thus a stream of content can produce excellent communication for yourself and organisation.

However, as an organization builds out a content strategy, it’s also important to consider the role the published articles, case studies, press releases, blog posts, white papers, etc., work together to create a pathway for readers that ends (ideally) in conversion.

“Content creates the context for consumption,” notedNinanChacko,, at the Content Marketing Summit hosted by the Business Development Institute . “Earned & paid media historically have been separate silos, but that’s changing. Social media has brought the two together. Audiences don’t live in the paid or the earned environments.

The challenge is now how to craft content that lives across different media.”
Digital content:

Social media technologies take on many different forms including magazines,Internet forums. Web blogs, social blogs, Micro blogging, social networks, podcasts, social bookmarking.
There are six different types of social media: collaborative project blogs and microblogs Twitter, content communities You Tube, social networking sites (for example, Facebook), virtual game world, and virtual social world.

We will doctor regular 50 -100 articles of yourself and your organisation, on this social media. Create a number of videos and constantly upload them, twit on your behalf hundreds of twits every day.Your blogs will be designed as per your portfolio, whether it’s about travel, your hobby your work, your company contribution in your market, engaging with charitable and social service, knowledge management, and many other contributory informative articles.

This focused communication will deliver lots of interests in your market about the organisation.
When social media is used in combination with mobile devices it is called mobile social media. Social media is a group of mobile marketing applications that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.

On Line Press release engagement, defined In addition to simply telling you how many times your press release was read (which we call “views,” we also summarize the number of times your readers took a “next step.” We call those actions “engagement.” This is done through your active Blog our News Blog and other Blogs where we can measure these activities.

Simply put, when someone reading your press release, takes another action with the release, we consider that to be engagement. So what are these other actions readers can take when reading a release on PR.§ Clicking through on an embedded anchor text link within the press release § Clicking on a URL within the press release § Sharing the press release on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+using any of the sharing buttons we embed on each release page § Printing or e-mailing the press release § Bookmarking the story on sites like StumbleUpon, Digg and Delicious, using the buttons embedded on the release page§ Embedding the press release in a blog post or other web page, using the Embed button on the release page Engagement actions are important, which is why we call them out separately within the press release reports we provide. When one of your readers takes one of these next steps, they get closer to the ultimate objective of your
press release, whether that is selling a product; generating support for a cause, encouraging downloads of a white paper or driving traffic to a web site.

Online measurement:The Engagement Index of your Blog.
On the periodical Snapshot Reports, we will give you “Engagement Index.” This index is designed to give you an idea of how your messages are performing when compared to press releases issued by other organizations within the same industry category. While these categories are fairly broad – the “retail” category will group giant retailers
and small mom & pop stores together – they do a good job of giving you some feedback on how your messages are faring within your sector.

Study of message effectiveness

While the reports just capture the activity your releases generated on one web site, the information is nonetheless informative, and provides a solid indicator of how audiences responded to your messages.

The index scores are especially useful when you log into the Online Member Center, and access your entire Visibility Reports dashboard, which aggregates all of your press release reports in one place. (The Instant Access link only provides access to the report for a single release – to access all of you ) When you’re in the dashboard, you can see clearly which releases generated higher engagement scores. Why is doing this important? Simple. Comparing the engagement results of different releases will help you develop an
understanding of what sort of content your audience prefers – and what content is most effective. Taking the analysis a step further and looking at the activities the releases generated can give you more insight into how your audience is using the press releases you issue.

We think engagement is important to think about, because ultimately, engagement describes whether you captured your audience’s attention, and inspired them to act. It’s a far more involved measure than many, but we think it’s one of the most important, because it helps you understand whether or not a message was effective in inspiring action, not just acquiring eyeballs.

Online influence – Reputation.
Ourmonitoring centre will constantly check for all negative reports about your organisation and we constantly clear them . In some public blog sites it may not be possible to clear them but to counter the same positive comments articles are posted on the same website.
PR Resources – where we connect you.

· General news, media, social media & blog links
· Online marketing/PR /IR links
· Financial media/info links
· Public affairs/political/blog links
· Medical media/info links
· PR job/career links
· Computer/web media links
· Forms/links for PR service control
· PR/communications white papers/essays
· Information links by industry
· The successful media interview
· Web/computer links
· Case studies with Q&A's
· General research/reference desk links
· Directory/encyclopedia/calendar/fraud alert links
· Map, travel, weather, zip and metric conversion sites
· Dictionaries/ quotation checkers/ style guides
· Phone, mail, biz & people finder links
· Search engines/Advice sites/Complaint sites
· literature links
· Paid search/Investigation service links strategic communications course

Google Business Listing :

This is an Excellent and cheapest way to advertise your product and services.
The products are advertised on key search words in google search engine and clients click on the company profile. We create a landing page in which clients data gets captured which is then send back to your Company for immediate follow up. Mostly these searches result in business - as per google more than 60% convert to business.

Benefits of the same.

· Generates free leads using online marketing
· Listings shows up in first search results – Max Traffic
· Helps advertise your business
· Helps promote any discounts, offers, promotions
· Displays on Mobile maps (e.g. iPhone)
· Displays your business photos
· Free updates anytime
· Statistics and insights about people searching and finding your listing

* Value enhancements, not provided by regular yellow pages. It can eventually eliminate your yellow pages cost.

*Your business can be listed in Google local business directory and displayed from or for local searches

*You can manage your listing information including adding business description, product/service details,photos, videos, etc.

*You can get insight about your listing traffic such as how many times your listing shows up in search and how many times people click for more info.

*You can direct your customers to your Google Places profile to leave
Comments about your business, and even better, you can respond to what other people got to say about your products/services.

Search Engine Optimisation.( Courtesy AGL)
This happens due to all the above activities.

The intensity of work involvement for one activity like SEO details shown below.

· Article Creation.
· Article optimization
· Article implementation
· Article submission
· Competition Analysis
· Directory submission.
· E Book creation & submission
· Intial site activities.
· Link building
· Link Building Validation
· Log file analysis/Traffic Analysis
· Monthly activity report.
· Onpage optimization.
· Ranking check.
· RSS creation upgradation submission.
· Site study.
· Blog section creation
· Blog posting Creation.
· Blog upgradation.
· Blog psoting submission.
· Blog performance maintenance tracking.
· XML site map creation submission and maintenance.

Read More

OK! Time’s up! While you’re contemplating how to “test the waters” in social media marketing, your competitors are already there, or planning to be, and your customers have been there for quite a while.

“Everybody’s talking about how great social media is for marketing, but nobody’s talking about what it costs,” cry the CMOs. Verily they said: “Tell us the bottom line.”
OK, let’s tear down the wall – let’s talk about money.
The budget for an effective social media marketing campaign begins at $50K for a two to three-month period. I'm sure companies have spent less, and I know they've spent more.
I have created effective campaigns with as little as $50K, and even better ones with budgets of $500K for three months.

As a rule, a $50K budget can cover the creation of a simple multi-media micro-site which becomes the center of an online community; perhaps some widgets to help distribute the content, and the formation of a Facebook and/or Flickr, Jaiku, Twitter or other networking group to enhance the community aspect of the campaign. Complex functions add to programming and design costs.
A high-yield, highly-targeted blog advertising campaign to kick off and support the program will cost an additional $25 – 100K a month. Google AdWords, email support, co-registration and other tools that drive traffic also would be additional costs.

Look at it this way: let’s say your average customer makes a purchase from you three or four times a year. Now you create a micro-site that contains truly engaging content, and not just heavy-handed sales messages. You make the content available through a variety of social media tools.
You invite and respond to comments – positive and negative. You give people a variety of ways to create content, and contribute photos, videos, tips and news to your site. You let them rate the content on the site and respond to suggestions.

Customers now have a reason to engage with your content several times a week, or even daily. Pretty soon, they start to tell their friends about your interesting and useful content. And soon you can watch this involvement reflected in increased sales referred through your social media marketing.
You can measure results through a variety of metrics, including referral drill downs in your site stats; mentions on blogs and in media; comments on the content; real-time blog advertising results, and clickthroughs to your company website.
So tell me, what’s so scary about that?

Copyright B.L. Ochman, all rights reserved

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