Mobile Marketing / Bulk SMS

1) Promo Code: Essentially a five digit code like 54545 or 56677. Interested buyers can register themselves to receive updates about your product launches, new fragrances etc. You can also send Mobile coupons, like ‘buy one get one free’ through SMSs to drive more sales.
Once activated, the Promo Code can be promoted though mediums like Print, Your website, Outdoor and Business Cards. It is quintessentially the 21st century contact number.
For eg: To receive updates from ‘ABC’, please message ABC to 54545. Once the message is sent, the computer will generate an automatic ‘pre-set’ welcome message to the client stating:
Thank you for registering with us. We at ABC value your support, and shall keep you informed about the latest happenings. Team ABC
a) Collect valuable database of interested customers and the right target audience.
b) An interactive and unique service which establishes a direct relationship with customers.
c) Frequent SMSs will be sent only to registered customers, resulting in extensive cost cutting.
d) With people becoming technologically advanced, this will be a convenient communication medium and would establish further trust in the quality and commitment provided by your brand.

(BUDGET: RS.40,000/- per year)

2) Bulk SMS: Bulk SMS is the most exciting and cost effective direct marketing and advertising method available to business. It is a highly effective advertising method, largely due to the fact that over 90% of SMS’s received are viewed. It is more effective than other traditional or modern medium of Advertising, simply because the message is being delivered in the palms of the targeted consumers. Special offers related to marketing of products, contests and discounts are some of the SMSs that can be transmitted to generate additional business or awareness.
a) One can send thousands of text messages to consumers at a wholesale price.
b) Delivery of the text messages is almost immediate.
c) Campaigns can be targeted more precisely by a combination of demographics.
d) SMS's are also stored, as they may be referred to at a more appropriate time.

(BUDGET: Rs.10000/- per One Lakh SMS)

3) Database: Any SMS or Emailer activity cannot meet the complete requirements unless they’re sent to the right customer base. We provide you with database for mobile and emails from all over India. The Mobile database includes Name, No. and Area Pin Codes. We have extensive data coverage of 75 lakh mobile users in Mumbai and over 6 crores across India. Data is provided as per your requirements, and is scrubbed via the NDNC before delivery. Some important categories include: HNIs, Stock Investors, CEOs, Insurance Policy Holders, Clubbers, Credit Card holders etc.
1) We reach out to a right target audience from the age group of 18-60.
2) Create a strong buzz though viral SMS, as it leads to an eventual word-of-mouth publicity as well.

(BUDGET: Rs.8000/- per One Lakh SMS including Database)

24/7 Online Help &Support
or email us
SMS :+919322952424

We accept payments in
ICICI Bank ,Dadar ,Mumbai .India
A/C Name : Motif Advertising Private Limited
A/c No:003205002231

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