Press Release WMPN

AT JEHANGIR ART GALARY – 13th October 2009

The World March for Peace and Non-violence that started on 02 October 2009 at New Zealand after going through Australia, Philippines, Bangladesh and Nepal arrived at Mumbai from Delhi today.Another Middle East team has begun actions in Tel Aviv that will continue in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, and Turkey.
The base team consists of members from Spain, Italy, New Zealand, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and USA. A part of the team has gone to Chennai and another to Thrissur to take part in the actions there.
The team was received in with a welcome ceremony at Mumbai airport by a large group of volunteers.
This is the first ever and the biggest project of our time co-ordinating actions in over 90 countries and involving millions of people raising their concern for the world and demanding Peace and Non-violence.
It is unusual to see volunteers of World March organising actions for Peace in India as well as Pakistan, in Palestine as well Israel and in the same way over 90 countries of the world at the same time.
The World March has already been endorsed by various personalities across the globe, including Heads of States, Religious heads, UN Assembly General Secretary, Nobel Laureates and personalities from different fields viz., Politics, Arts, Thinkers, Educationists, NGOs, and others demanding de-Nuclearization of the world and a progressive-proportional disarmament of the whole world,.

The members of the team today inaugurated the paintings exhibition of National Academy Award winner K. A. Fancies on Peace and Non-violence at Jehangir art Gallery. The paintings are created using Khadi as canvass and depict different themes on Peace and non-violence.

Indian delegate Ms. Bhairavi will join the team in second lag from Moscow.

The World March has began from New Zealand on October 2, 2009, the anniversary of Gandhi’s birth, declared the “International Day of Nonviolence” by the United Nations. It will conclude in the Andes Mountains (Punta de Vacas, Aconcagua, Argentina) on January 2, 2010. The March will last 90 days, and will pass through oer 100 countries covering over 1,60,000 kms.

Because we can end world hunger with 10% of what is spent on arms. Imagine how life would be if 30-50% of the arms budget went toward improving people’s lives instead of being used for destruction.Because eliminating wars and violence means leaving human pre-history behind and taking a giant step forward in the evolution of our species.Because in this aspiration we are accompanied by the strength of the voices of hundreds of prior generations who suffered the consequences of war, and whose echo continues to be heard today in all those places where it continues to leave its sinister trail of dead, disappeared, disabled, refugees and displaced.Because a “world without wars” is an image that opens the future and seeks to become reality in every corner of the planet, as violence gives way to dialogue.The moment has come for the voiceless to be heard! Out of agonizing and urgent need, millions of human beings are crying out for an end to wars and violence.We can make that happen by uniting all the forces of pacifism and active non-violence worldwide.
The March was initiated by “World Without Wars,” - an international organization launched by the Humanist Movement - that has been working for 15 years in the fields of pacifism and non-violence.
The World March, however, will be created and shaped by everyone. Open to any person, organization, collective, group, political party, business, etc., that shares the same aspirations and sensibility, this project is not something closed. Instead, it is a journey that will be progressively enriched as different initiatives set their contributions in motion.That is why this is an invitation to anyone and everyone to participate freely. So that wherever the March goes, the local people can contribute their creativity in a great convergence of multiple activities. There’s space for everything the imagination is capable of conceiving.The possible channels of participation are multiple and diverse, including virtual participation in the March through Internet.This is a march by and for the people, with hopes of reaching most of the world’s population. For this reason we are asking all media to spread the word about this journey around the world for Peace and Non-violence.

What is going to happen
As it passes through cities there will be all kinds of forums, conferences and events (sporting, cultural, social, etc.) that will be organised according to the local initiatives that are emerging.At this time hundreds of projects have already been set in motion by different individuals and organizations.

What are our goals and objectives
To denounce the dangerous world situation that is leading us closer and closer to nuclear war, which would be the greatest catastrophe in human history – a dead end.To give a voice to the majority of world citizens who want peace. Although the majority of the human race opposes the arms race, we are not sending out a unified signal. Instead we are letting ourselves be manipulated by a powerful minority and suffering the consequences. The time has come to stand together and show our opposition. Join a multitude of others in sending a clear signal, and your voice will have to be heard!To achieve: the worldwide eradication of nuclear weapons; the immediate withdrawal of invading troops from occupied territories; the progressive and proportional reduction of conventional weapons; the signing of non-aggression treaties among nations and the renunciation by governments of war as a way to resolve conflicts.To expose the many other forms of violence (economic, racial, sexual, religious…) that are currently hidden or disguised by their perpetrators; and to provide a way for all who suffer such violence to be heard.
To create global awareness - as has already happened with environmental issues - of the urgent need to condemn of all forms of violence and bring about real Peace.


The Base team of the World March for Peace and Non-violence that started on 02 October 2009 at New Zealand after going through Australia, Philippines, Bangladesh and Nepal arrived at Mumbai from Delhi ON 13TH October.The team was received in with a welcome ceremony at Mumbai airport by a large group of volunteers. On the same day the team opened the paintings exhibition of National Academy Award winner K. A. Fancies at Jehangir art Gallery. The paintings are created using Khadi as canvass and depict different themes on Peace and non-violence.There was a reception organised for the team by leading personalities of the city including Municipal Commissioner Shri Jayraj Pathak, and representatives from the field of Art, Religion, Education, Industry and NGOs.The team visited Mani Bhavan and Sarvodaya offices to pay their respect to Mahatma Gandhi.The NSS students from over 50 colleges of the city greeted the international team by taking out peace rallies in big numbers simultaneously at three locations ending at Mumbai University at Kala Ghoda, Sathey College in Vile Parle and Somaiya College in Ghatkopar
he team left for Korea for further March.This is the first ever and the biggest project of our time co-ordinating actions in over 90 countries and involving millions of people raising their concern for the world and demanding Peace and Non-violence.It is unusual to see volunteers of World March organising actions for Peace in India as well as Pakistan, in Palestine as well Israel and in the same way over 90 countries of the world at the same time.

The World March has already been endorsed by various personalities across the globe, including Heads of States, Religious heads, UN Assembly General Secretary, Nobel Laureates personalities form different fields viz., Politics, Arts, Thinkers, Educationists, NGOs, and others demanding De-Nuclearization of the world and a progressive-proportional disarmament of the whole world,.

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