‘The Village Boy: Mithu & the Enchanted Forest’ ---
by Indian Author Ajoy Apte

MUMBAI, September 14th , 2006: ‘The Village Boy: Mithu and the Enchanted Forest’ is the debut novel by Ajoy Apte, erstwhile U.S. trained professional Photographer, Advertising and Television professional. Inspired by the urge to create, Apte has ventured to take the bold step into the world of children’s fiction and delivered what can de-facto be termed as India’s answer to the ‘Harry Potter’ Series.

Apte’s technique combines a mix of fantasy fiction with good old Indianised story-telling alternating between Indian rural scenes and shades of mythical characters set in a magical wonderland. The story reads like a dream, but is far from wishful thinking as there is a strong message not only for the youth but for the entire humanity.

Apte says, “On the face of it, ‘The Village Boy’ looks like a children's story… exploring the not-so-often trodden, mystical and mysterious domain of Etherland or the realms of existence beyond the world known to us. I have stretched my imagination beyond my adulthood and actually come down to the level of a child… where anything is possible... Animals can talk, Time can stand still, people can break boundaries of the known and visit worlds never known to have existed or heard of before.”

The book is the story of Mithu, an ordinary village boy, who is introduced to a magical forest that exists between Heaven and Earth… where there exists no Evil, no fear, no lust for power or riches. A world that he'd never imagined existed. But, unknown to him, he becomes the vehicle for the ultimate Evil. By the time, he comes to realize this, much damage has been done. What follows is the nail-biting odyssey of how little Mithu single handedly rescues his ethereal friends from being wiped out by the serpentine wrath of the devilishly Evil Kamina. Thus, a simple village tale transforms into a message for the modern world… of how the young generation, pure of heart and intent can, with a little intelligence rid the world of many Evil forces that are working to destroy its Peace and Sanctity. The book has drawn appreciation from a number of celebrities, media personalities and a note of praise from a dignitary no less than the President of India, His Excellency Shri. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam himself.

About the Author:
Ajoy Apte was born into a family of creative professionals and has been closely involved with the visual arts. He has also worked with the audio-visual and Television Media before turning into a full-time writer. The Village Boy is the first of a series of children's fiction that the author is working on, in addition to two more books that are a rare experiment in combining genres as different as historical, spiritual, fantasy and thrillers. He believes in changing and breaking existing norms of writing fiction, and strives to make sure the reader gets an experience that he or she will never forget. He is currently giving finishing touches to ‘Karma through the Eyes of Durga: The Transcendental Journey of a Soul’, which is under its Final Edit at the publication stage, and is simultaneously writing ‘The Village Boy: Mithu and the Big City’.

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