Press Release Nirmal Organo Bio Tech Ltd.

Nirmal Organo Bio-Tech Pvt. Ltd. becomes the 1st company in the world to get process patents for two bio-organic plant vitaliser products
ISO 9001:2000 certification awarded to the Nirmal Group

MUMBAI, JUNE 8, 2006: The Jalgaon-based Nirmal Organo Bio-Tech Pvt. Ltd., part of the Nirmal Group, has earned the distinction of being the first company in the world to get Government of India-recognised ‘production process’ patents for two bio-organic products: Nirmal Bio-Force (a plant growth vitaliser for foliar spray) and Nirmal Bio-Power (a bio-soil enricher for soil application). The first-of-its-kind invention process adopted by the company will create a revolution in the production process of agro-based bio-products in the global agricultural sector. Also, an ISO 9001:2000 certification has also been awarded to the Nirmal Group of Industries (which includes Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd. and Nirmal Organo Bio-Tech Pvt. Ltd.) by the globally renowned BVQI (Bureau Veritas Quality International) in the context of maintaining quality in management systems.

The two process patented products, Nirmal Bio-Force and Nirmal Bio-Power, will help to increase productivity and improve quality of agricultural produce — plant/crop growth, flowering and fruiting amongst others. They will ultimately increase yields to the extent of 20-30 per cent in different crops under different conditions. The use of these products will help to produce organic vegetables and fruits suitable for global exports. The process patents will also benefit the owners of gardens and landscapes in urban India.

Mr. R. O. Patil, Chairman and Managing Director, Nirmal Group, and Member of Maharashtra’s Legislative Assembly (Pachora, Jalgaon), says, “By obtaining the process patents for two bio-organic plant vitaliser products, Nirmal Organo Bio-Tech Pvt. Ltd. has attained an important milestone in the global agricultural arena, by virtue of which, not only India but also the developed and developing countries of the world will benefit. It is a matter of great honour and prestige that an Indian company has earned this unique distinction. We are also proud of the fact that the internationally-renowned BVQI has bestowed the ISO 9001:2000 certification on the Nirmal Group of Industries for manufacturing and supplying flawless seeds across India. We have strived to give the first priority to the farmers and protect the interest of the consumers.”

The patent is revolutionary considering the fact that today, Indian farmers use large quantities of chemicals, fertilizers, growth regulators and micro-nutrients on various farm and horticultural crops to increase crop productivity. However, this has resulted in high levels of chemical residues in grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, etc. To avoid the hazardous effects on living beings and ecosystem, the Nirmal Group has found it imperative to use organic sources such as extracts of seaweeds, bacteria and plants to improve yield and the quality of field/horticultural crops without destabilising the ecological balance.

The scientists of Nirmal Organo Bio-Tech Pvt. Ltd. have been conducting extensive research and a series of trials on various field crops, fruit crops, vegetables and plantations using various types of bio-products. “The chemical residue levels have become a great concern for human beings, animals, wild life and the ecosystem. The export of agricultural commodities to developed countries has also suffered due to this contamination. Now, with the two new process patented products, Nirmal Bio-Force and Nirmal Bio-Power, Indian farmers can improve the situation,” adds Mr. Patil.

Nirmal Bio-Force (P. P. No. 198184 from the Controller of Patents, Govt. of India), a bio-organic plant vitaliser is recommended for vegetables (chillies, brinjals, tomatoes, okra, peas, beans, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, melons, cucumber, etc.), fruits (mango, banana, citrus, papaya, grapes, etc.), commercial crops (tea, coffee, cotton, spices, etc.), cereals, pulses, ornamentals and flowers. It is developed from natural extracts of special type of blue green algae and seaweeds. Nirmal Bio-Power (P. P. No. 198185), a bio-soil enricher, improves soil health; promotes plant growth and the yield of plantations and fruit crops. It is developed by using an advanced biotech process — from extract of desirable beneficial attenuated bacterias, fortified with blue green algae. It contains bio-amino acids, plant growth promoting triterpenoids, siderophores, etc. Bio-Power is available in liquid and granular forms.

The benefits of Nirmal Bio-Force and Nirmal Bio-Power to Indian farmers are:
• Produced from natural sources and therefore naturally pure
• Eco-friendly, safe to use
• Economical and efficient
• No chemical residues left over in fruits, vegetables, grains and feeds, therefore, the produce is fit for export
• Moreover, these bio-products; viz., Bio-Force and Bio-Power were tested on various economically important crops through State Agricultural Universities and Central Govt. Institutes; the results of which are very encouraging
• Average increase in yield due to use of these products is 20-30 per cent
• Saving of 25 per cent expenses on chemical fertilizers
• These inventions will contribute a lot to Indian agriculture

About the Nirmal Group: The Nirmal Group was established in 1988 by technocrats at Pachora, Jalgaon, Maharashtra State. The company started with the mission of providing need-based Research and Development so as to uplift the rural farmers, who are mainly dependent on agriculture. The company ensures the timely supply of quality seeds and bio-products such as bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides and bio-organic plant vitalisers at affordable prices. The company is recognised by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) and is a voluntary centre for conducting AICRP trials of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). It has conducted research on 35 crops and developed 105 hybrid varieties of seeds for the different parts of the country. It conducts a thorough research on tissue culture banana plants, B.T. cotton, vegetables, bio-soil, enrichers, bio-pesticides, bio-fertilisers and bio-fungicides amongst others. Apart from the existing activity of seed development, production, processing and marketing, the company plans to export hybrid seeds of vegetables, pearl millet and maize. The company has a strong marketing team and network of distributors, dealers and retailers in more than 18 states of India.

Nirmal Bio-Power

Although several similar bio-products are available in the market, Nirmal Bio-Power has unique and special characteristics. It has been developed by an innovative process of bacterial action, involving various extracts, which directly acts very efficiently in the root zone of the crop. The unique production process has been internationally invented and applied for the first time in the production of agro-based bio-products by Nirmal Organo Bio Tech Pvt. Ltd. and it has been granted a process patent by the Government of India. It has acquired a patent for the process of preparing physiologically active extract from bacteria useful for rootzone applications in plants.

Bio-products developed by the above process are eco-friendly and very effective in maintaining ecological balance. The use of Nirmal’s bio-products (at various stages of cultivation of crops) will produce exportable food grains with higher yields and free from harmful chemical ingredients. This will be highly beneficial to India farmers.

The excessive and imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by farmers for several decades have spoiled the composition of the soil — in the form of micro-organism, fungus, organic curb and humus — which is very useful to grow healthy crop. This useful flora is decreasing and deceasing day-by-day and the fertility of the land is in jeopardy. Now, it’s is a proven fact that the use of Nirmal’s Bio-Power is instrumental in restoring the flora and the fertility of soil, which ultimately resultsin increased productivity.

Nirmal Bio-Force
The product is specially and exclusively developed from physiologically active extracts derived from sea weeds and special type of Blue Green Algae and is proved to be very effective, for an all round development and increase in the productivity of the crop. Farmers will receive a lot of encouragement due to this process patented product. Since the original source of Nirmal’s Bio-Force is completely natural, no traces of chemicals are found in food grains, vegetables, fruits and flowers and the produce becomes fit for exports.

To attain these milestones of progress, Nirmal Organo Bio-Tech Pvt. Ltd. had to carry out many tests and trials in universities and research centres.
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